Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Stop the "Parent Trigger Law"!
The House passed it out of committee today!   It is expected to be introduced on the House floor today!

Reported by the TRI-county Alliance-

The bill gives certain parents and teachers the ability to petition the local school board to determine the district’s intervention model. (Closure, Restart, Transformation and Turnaround).  If a valid petition recommends a restart model, the parents may apply to convert the school to a charter. The new substitute for this bill still requires the operating district to lease the building to the new charter authorizer for $1, which is unconstitutional.  This newly chartered school would then operate as a Conversion School.

Some of the problems:
  • There are no election standards for petition signers who are effectively voting for a school takeover. This means they do not have to be registered voters, citizens, or legal residents.
  • SB 620 allows for the unconstitutional taking of public property by a small faction without a vote of the people or even majority support.
  • There are no quality requirements to ensure that the authorizing body or management organization for a Conversion School has any experience or success in running a school.     
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