More News on the “Retirement” Legislation
Wednesday and Thursday of last week were spent in negotiations between House and Senate members of the Conference Committee to resolve the differences between the two versions of SB 1227. As of late Thursday everyone had gone home, although another meeting of the Conference Committee could happen today (Monday, May 3rd).
The committee has missed Governor Granholm’s deadline for making a decision on the retirement issues, leaving potential retirees not knowing what to do. The Governor’s press secretary, Liz Boyd, released a statement last Thursday questioning whether the legislature was truly interested in doing real reforms.
In the last proposals made on Thursday, the Senate made a “final” offer that included a 1.55 multiplier, while the House Democrats were pushing for a 1.6 multiplier with a guarantee for healthcare for all who had paid into the system. The House believes their plan will save money over a one year period and send dollars to the local school districts and that by having MPSER members pay 3 percent more into the trust fund would address the concerns of an “unfunded mandate” being touted by the Senate Republicans.
CALL AND OR WRITE THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS LISTED BELOW! By CLICKING on their names, you will be taken to the Legislative Contact site offered by the MEA. You can write them from that site or get their phone numbers.
DO IT TODAY!!!! Tell these legislators to PASS THE HOUSE VERSION OF SB 1227! Or as it is called by the House, H-9.
Members of the conference committee include
Rep. Mark Meadows (D-East Lansing),
Rep. Martin Griffin (D-Jackson),
Rep. James Bolger (R-Marshall),
Sen. Mark Jansen (R-Grand Rapids),
Sen. Judson Gilbert (R-Algonac), and
Sen. Deborah Cherry (D-Burton).
Please use your home emails to contact the legislators!