Finances and State Funding -Below is the work up I’ve done of Losses of Funding to Walled Lake Schools, as well as the Increased Costs for the Teachers’ Group for the 2011-2012 School year.
The bottom line is that with a loss of $7,239,200 in funding AND increased charges for the teachers’ group of $6,160,000, Walled Lake Schools face, minimally, a shortfall of over $13 MILLION. This estimate does not include any bargained raises for other groups, increased energy costs, nor insurance benefits for other bargaining groups.
We need to –
1) Go to Lansing for rallys –
see Sunday’s post for RALLY INFO for Wednesday2) Write your representatives – See the bottom of this posting – it is LONG
3) Call your representatives
4) Write and Call the Governor of Michigan
A synopsis of the Losses of Funding and Increased Costs for the Teachers’ Group for 2011-2012.
CLICK HERE FOR A DOCUMENT VIEW OF Financial INFORMATION BELOW!Loss 1 -Funding from state - $170 per studentThis loss was filled in last year by ARRA funds and
stabilization funds from the Federal government.
Walled Lake is figuring on 15,404 students next year
(a loss of 86 students from 2010-11).
$170 times 15,404 students = $2,618,000.00
Loss 2 -Gov. Snyder's additional proposed reduction in his budget
$300 per student
$300 times 15,404 students = $4,621,200.00
Loss 3 20J Funds - $4.8 million in funding for WLCSD
District has not even figured this into their loses because
we didn't get it last year or this year, and figure it is gone
SUBTOTAL Subtotal $7,239,200.00
Increased Costs Retirement Rate Payment to State
#1 The state is raising the rate for retirement from 20.66%to 24.66%2010-2011 - 20.66% times $69 million in salary
2011-2012 - 24.66% times $69 million in salary
For teacher group only this could mean an increase of- $2,760,000.00
(does NOT include other employee groups!)
#2 Insurance (only includes teacher costs)
1)The district is figuring for a 15% increase in insurance
2)Insurance costs for district in 2010-2011 was-
Cost of increase at 15% $1,800,000.00Cost of increase at 10% $1,200,000.00
#3 Step Increases for teachers in the steps $1,600,000.00
(no increases for other groups are included in my
Other costs not included-
1)estimates don't include any bargained raises
2)estimates don't include increases in energy costs
3)estimates don't include insurances for other groups
(Includes 15% insurance increase) - $13,399,200.00
When you write or call your representative, here is what you should say:
1. The proposed cuts to K-12 funding is unacceptable, particularly when the School State Aide fund holds adequate funds for the K-12 sector. K-12 public schools accept all students and do so without the ability to increase revenue via tuition or millage increases. The Governor's proposal of cutting funds to K-12 while giving those funds to community colleges and schools of higher ed, further strapping K-12 schools at a time when those schools have already cut “the low hanging fruit”, is bad for kids and it is not FAIR!
2. Quit attacking K-12 children and their education while giving a $1.8 billion tax cut to businesses and the wealthy.
3. Long range, instead of attacking the middle class, find a new way to fund schools. Proposal A does not work in the current economy.
4. **Fill in your own message*** For instance, driving school districts into insolvency does NOT improve education. If you truly care about the education of Michigan’s children, then funding is paramount.
Here is how to contact Governor Snyder:
Please be sure to use your HOME EMAILS and/or CELL or HOME PHONES!
Rick.Snyder@michigan.govPHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858 - Constituent Services
FAX:(517) 335-6863
Here is who you can write and/or call:
State Senator Mike Kowall R-White Lake Twp. 517-373-1758
SenMKowall@senate.michigan.govState Representative D -Vicki Barnett
Phone: 517-373-1793
Fax: 517-373-8501
vickibarnett@house.mi.govState Representative D -Lisa Brown
Phone: 517-373-1799
Fax: 517-373-8361
lisabrown@house.mi.govState Representative R -Hugh Crawford
Phone: 517-373-0827
Fax: 517-373-5873
hughcrawford@house.mi.govState Representative R -Eileen Kowall
Phone: 517-373-2616
Fax: 517-373-5843