Dave Stafford, our MEA Lobbyist has contacted Local Leaders with the following message.
PLEASE NOTE: Nancy Cassis, our area senator, seems to be a possible NO vote on the Retirement Bill. Write Senator Cassis and tell her vote NO on SB1227 that will unfairly tax Michigan's teachers. (address and phone number is below)
From Dave Stafford:
"THIS BILL IS ON A FAST TRACK AND WE NEED ACTION NOW. Yesterday, the Appropriations Committee moved SB 1227 to the floor of the full Senate in anticipation of a quick vote to pass it today. In particular, several senators have indicated that they have concerns about the bill and may vote NO. If any of the following senators represent your area, please make an extra effort to contact them:"
Senator Nancy Cassis
Phone: 517-373-1758
Fax: 517-373-0938
E-mail: senncassis@senate.michigan.gov
Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop
Phone: 517-373-2417
Fax: 517-373-2694
E-mail: senmbishop@senate.michigan.gov
Senator Gilda Jacobs
Phone: 517-373-7888
Fax: 517-373- 2983