Tuesday, April 5, 2011

RALLY on Wednesday or Legislative BLAST Day!

Tomorrow is Wednesday, April 13th, and there is a RALLY in Lansing at the State Capitol! There is a later speaker's schedule to accomodate those who can travel to Lansing after work!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 -
We ARE the People - Defend the Middle Class Rally
-- -----Let the politicians know that WE ARE THE PEOPLE, and it's time to start protecting the middle class - not the CEO's

: State Capitol Building, Lansing

When: Protest and Legislative Action from 1 to 6:30 pm

**Speaking programs AT 2 pm **Second Speaking programs at 5:30 pm

Click Here for the FLYER

If you can not make the rally, be ready to make April 13th "LEGISLATIVE BLAST" DAY!!!

----Return to this site tomorrow to get information to email the representatives in our State Legislature!

----Just imagine our representatives get 800 emails at once, ALL from WALLED LAKE!