Monday, April 25, 2011

STAND AGAINST SNYDER RALLY & MEA Representative Assembly



Walled Lake Education MEA Representatives (myself, Chriss Golden, Peggy Haver, Jason Pinho, Jim Walsh, Margaret Meyer, and Lorena Hawkins) will be in Lansing for the MEA Representative Assembly all day Friday and Saturday, April 29th & 30th. The MEA Representative Assembly will be electing new MEA officers, setting the 2011-2012 MEA Budget, and grappling with dues proposals for the coming school year. I am sure there will be a host of other proposals directed toward the Educational Crisis we are currently dealing with.


Stand Against Snyder:
RALLY for Working Families & Education

8-9am April 30th SATURDAY
Pioneer High School Football Field, Ann Arbor, MI
Free rally parking at S 7th St & Pioneer High School Rd

I received the following information from the president of the Ann Arbor Education Association!
If you wish to go, information is included below and is also available at the Facebook Page listed below:

Labor and community groups from all over southern Michigan will rally on Saturday, 4/30 at 8 am at the Pioneer HS football stadium, (across the corner of Stadium Blvd and Main St from Michigan Stadium). Come admire the plane circling overhead trailing a banner (courtesy of UM nurses, "Snyder: Some cuts never heal!") Come be economically oppressed by the Two Koch Brothers Comedy Improv Troupe (guard your money!) BYOS (bring your own sign). BYFF (bring your family and friends). Here is our Facebook page:

- We have free parking for carpoolers next to PiHi stadium. Enter from 7th Street (between Stadium Blvd and Scio-Church Rd). Look for the "Rally Parking" sign and rally marshalls will wave you to your parking lot. Once the free lot is full, you can enter the PiHi lots from Main St, but you will pay $5 to support the PiHi Booster Club (a very worthy cause). Come early if you want to park for free. Here is the map:

- Graduating UM seniors will speak first, 8:00 - 8:15, then leave to go to their staging area to enter the Big House.- Speakers from labor, public service, and community groups will speak 8:15 - 9:00, with a few sets of entertainment included.

- We'll march along the sidewalk to Michigan Stadium after 9:00, and become thousands circling the Big House. Rally marshalls will lead the way and help us cross the Stadium/Main intersection safely. Once we surround the Michigan Stadium, we will chant and distribute leaflets, making sure to respect this special day for the graduates and their families as they arrive.

-It's a very big day in their lives! Thank them for supporting Michigan public education (before Snyder Inc. shuts it down!)This is THE rally that all groups are pointing to. When Gov Snyder takes the podium inside, we will let him know that while he may be a special guest of the UM, the rest of the state is showing him the door. We hope to have recall petitions available for all to sign at both stadiums. BYOS (bring your own signature!)