Wednesday, February 3, 2010

CALL THE GOVERNOR - 517-373-3400

WLEA Members –
WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION! Our district is being crippled by the revenue cuts at the State level and now we could be faced with a $2400 (3% at the top) pay cut in ALL future years under the Governor’s newest proposal (you can read more about it on the blog). The REVENUE CUTS for our district will result in $20 million dollars of cuts. Some will come from fund equity, but over $6 million will be in staffing cuts AT ALL LEVELS IN ALL AREAS!!!!!
In tonight’s State of the State address, it is being reported that it is unlikely that the Governor will talk about tax reform and new ways to fund schools. WE NEED HER TO TAKE ACTION IN THIS AREA!!!
Take a moment to pick up your cell or home phone and call the governor at (517) 373-3400. PLEASE USE YOU CELL PHONES OR HOME PHONES TO CALL. Leave her a message with your thoughts.
- Show real leadership in your final State of the State address and call for implementing a balanced solution that doesn't ignore the need for more revenue.
- Withdraw this most recent attack on half a million Michigan public employees and their families before the State of the State.
- It's wrong to put a special tax on public employees -- taking 3 percent out of their checks to run government is the definition of a tax.
- Reject the flawed concept that continuing to take from public employees will fix our broken tax structure.
Take time to place this important call -- now is the time for every MEA member to tell our leaders in Lansing that it's time for real solutions, not more games and gimmicks.