Monday, May 13, Novi, 6-8 p.m. “A Parent’s Guide to Public Education in Michigan”
- - Novi Middle School, 49000 Eleven Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 48374,
- Hosted by: Novi Community Schools, Novi Education Association, Farmington Public Schools and the Farmington Education Association.
- Moderated by WXYZ Channel 7 Anchor JoAnne Purtan. Attended by key local and state stakeholders.
- Contact: Tom Brenner, 248-449-1500,
There will be three direct discussion sessions and one
question and answer session to the Parent’s Guide to Education Forum hosted jointly
by the school districts and Education Associations from the communities of:
Novi, Farmington, Livonia, Plymouth-Canton, South Lyon, Walled Lake, and
Waterford .
Novi Middle School Auditorium ( 49000 Eleven Mile
Road, Novi, Michigan 48374 – Located at the North East corner of Eleven Mile
and Wixom Roads)
Seating will be on a first come first served basis. Doors
open at 5:00 PM
5:00 – 6:15 Panelist Reception – Light Dinner
will be provided for panelists and hosts.
6:15 – 6:45 Introduction and Welcome –
Welcoming remarks from Superintendents Steve
Matthews (Novi) and Susan Zurvalec (Farmington), EA
Presidents Tom Brenner and David Workman.Topic: What is the state of Michigan’s responsibility toward educating its population? How do we measure our performance?
Introduction of Panelists (9-12
total) – Two Minute Self-Introductions
Panelists: 1 Governor
Snyder Representative (Bill Rustem confirmed), 1 Local School Administrator
(TBD), 4 State School Board Members (all
confirmed John Austin, Michelle Fecteau, Casandra Ulbrich, Eileen Weiser), 2
School of Ed (University) Representatives, 4 State Legislators (preferably from
the House and Senate Education Committee – confirmed State Senator Phil Pavlov,
State Senator Hoon-Yung Hopgood, State Representative Hugh Crawford, State
Representative Ellen Cogen Lipton), 1 teacher (confirmed Novi HS Science
teacher Brian Langley)
6:45-7:15 Session 1 – Student
Performance/Effective Schools
7:15- 7:45 Session 2 – Teacher Recruitment/
Professional Development/Evaluation
7:45-8:15 Session 3 – Public Finance of
8:15-9:00 Session 4 – Question and Answer
with Audience
Each Panelist will be given the questions ahead of time and
be asked to be prepared to answer questions in 2 of the 3 primary sessions.
Each session will consist of a discussion of two-three questions where the
panelists will have an opportunity to answer and then address issues brought up
by other panelists. Each speaker will have a time limit on their responses (2
minutes). Moderator reserves the right to redirect panelists to directly answer
the question or respond to another panelist’s remarks. Audience will have the
opportunity to directly ask questions of the panelists to conclude the event.
Monday, May 13, Novi, 6-8 p.m. “A Parent’s Guide to Public Education in Michigan” - Novi Middle School, 49000 Eleven Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 48374, Hosted by: Novi Community Schools, Novi Education Association, Farmington Public Schools and the Farmington Education Association. Moderated by WXYZ Channel 7 Anchor JoAnne Purtan. Attended by key local and state stakeholders. Contact: Tom Brenner, 248-449-1500,