Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Legislature to ACT on Wednesday!

The Michigan legislature is poised to vote on Wednesday morning, August 24, on a proposal regarding public employee health care. The conference committee will be reporting out SB 7 for an up or down vote, meaning there will be no amendments. We need you to send a letter to your State Representative and State Senator today asking them to oppose this bill.

Senate Bill 7 has combined two health care proposals - the 80/20% plan and the "hard cap" plan. The 80/20% plan means employers could cover no more than 80% of the health care premium being charged for health insurance. The "hard cap" proposal would mean employers could pay only an amount set by the legislature for health care; it looks like the limits are $5,5oo for single person, $11,000 for 2 person and $15,000 for family. It is unclear whether these caps would ever change.

If school districts did not implement this change, they could be fined 10% of their school aid payment or their economic vitality payment.

This combined proposal shifts costs to employees but does nothing to contain health care costs. It limits our ability to customize health care benefits for our specific local groups, and it further limits our collective bargaining rights.

To add insult to injury, public employers other than school districts, could vote to opt out of this set of rules....BUT NOT SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Send an email today asking your legislator to vote NO on SB7!

This also conflicts with DASHBOARD requirements of 10% payment on employees' part. The state is totally upending local control!

I will post this to my blog, as well as email addresses that can be used to contact senators.

State Senator Mike Kowall R-White Lake Twp

Sen. Joe Hune - R - Hamburg Township (Livingston County)

CALL and email today and tomorrow morning!!!!