Sunday, June 5, 2011

Facebook Status Message for Tuesday's "Collective Day of Action"

In contemplating how the Walled Lake Education Association could most effectively participate in Tuesday, June 7th's "MEA Day of Action, I have read that much credit is being given to “online social networking” as a force in the last election.

I would like to harness a bit of that “force” for ourselves on June 7th. As an example, some of you know I have posted many pictures and event announcements on the WLEA Facebook site, which then shows on my Facebook Wall. My former high school buddies from California and Georgia (they moved…not me) wanted to know all about what was going on! My sister in Wisconsin began following the events in Madison because of what she saw on my wall.

I have contacted the MEA who has given me a message that I will ask everyone to post to their FACEBOOK status bars. I have also received from them a ½ page message that can be distributed to friends and family. I will distribute that to you as well, asking you to pick 5 friends or family to contact with that message.

Considering people’s busy lives, a status update and an email to 5 family and friends can be quick and easy…..and done at midnight, if need be! If you begin to do the multiplication:

· If 500 members with the same status with 100 friends each, means that 50,000 will see the same message!

· If 500 members email 5 friends or family with the ½ page flyer, means that 2500 non public employees will hear the message regarding state finances from Walled Lake alone!

Please COPY and PASTE the message below to your Facebook Status on Tuesday!!!

Gov. Snyder and Republican lawmakers say education and the middle class are important to Michigan’s “reinvention.” If that’s the case, why did they vote to slash education funding, tax senior citizens and make it more difficult for hard-working families to survive?

This isn’t about shared sacrifice. This is about destroying the middle class—the very people who helped build Michigan. Contact Governor Snyder and your legislator. Tell them you will remember what they did when it comes time to vote.