Friday, December 3, 2010

Good News and THANK YOU!

Good News!!! As reported by the Michigan Information and Research Service this morning at 5:06....."Tenure Bill Flunks Out - Legislation (HB 4410) to allow school districts to strip teachers of their tenure under certain circumstances, went literally nowhere in the Democratic-controlled House today. "

Thank you to everyone who called or wrote their representatives! Also, thank you for those of you who participated in the CYBER LOBBYING on the http://www.detnews/ site! We are a huge collective voice that needs to be heard!

Another highlight from Lansing; the corrected version of the federal EduJobs money legislation was passed by the legislature and will go to the governor for a signature later today, if it has not already done so. This version should pass federal muster and monies can be released to the schools. It appears that Walled Lake will only receive $111 per student, while other "poor" districts will receive $222, but final numbers will be forthcoming by Monday.

Have a great weekend!