Dr. Hamilton, Superintendent of the Walled Lake Schools, has sent out a letter and has contacted the WLEA to say he has been informed that there is a possibility that 20J funds could be restored to our schools!
On February 11th, Governor Granholm presents her School Aid Budget and she has the power to put 20J funds back into the budget. As well, the legislature could act to restore 20J funding. This funding would be worth MILLIONS to our district. Dr. Hamilton, in his letter to Walled Lake School employees, has said that without this funding class sizes will need to be raised to 28 in Kindergarten, 29 in grades 1-2, 31 in grades 3-5, and 33-35 in grades 6 - 12.
Please write or call your legislator AND the governor! Use your cell phones at work and use your home email accounts, please! Here are the addresses you need!
Governor Jennifer Granholm
517-373-3400 Phone 517-335-6863 Fax
to write Gov. Granholm, please go to the Michigan.gov website
Speaker of the House Andy Dillon
Phone: 517-373-0857
Fax: 517-373-5976
E-mail: andydillon@house.mi.gov
Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop
Phone: 517-373-2417
Fax: 517-373-2694
E-mail: senmbishop@senate.michigan.gov
State Senator Nancy Cassis
Phone: 517-373-1758
Fax: 517-373-0938
State Senator Gilda Jacobs
Phone: 517-373-7888
Fax: 517-373- 2983
State Representative Vicki Barnett
Phone: 517-373-1793
Fax: 517-373-8501
State Representative Lisa Brown
Phone: 517-373-1799
Fax: 517-373-8361
State Representative Hugh Crawford
Phone: 517-373-0827
Fax: 517-373-5873
State Representative Eileen Kowall
Phone: 517-373-2616
Fax: 517-373-5843