Information from
Steve Norton at MI Parents for Schools –
(The comments in the parentheses are me – Terese commenting).
Four Bad Bills being considered in the legislative lame duck
session –
Bad Idea #1 - Let's pave the roads with our children's
education (Among other things, the idea to eliminate sales tax from gas sales…….sales
tax is used to fund schools……with no method set to replace those taxes except
for the guess that sales in other areas will increase. Really?)
Bad Idea #2 - Cut school funding and then take 'em over when
they have budget problems (the “Early Warning System”)
Bad Idea #3 - Cut school funding and then force them to flunk
3rd graders who don't test well in reading (We want students to learn, but what
is magic about 3rd grade?
Has flunking a kid ever really increased academic performance? Because, if it did, wouldn’t it be done more
Bad Idea #4 - Cut school funding, and then slap a simplistic
letter grade on them to show how badly they're doing (I’d like to know the
criteria for a grade and schools are never simply ONE thing, so how can there
be one grade that would reflect how a school is doing?)
Go to the “MI Parents for Schools” site for full information on these